your business journey
in New York City
Get straightforward support to start and grow the business and communities you love
Elevate your business with our
step-by-step training experiences
Participate in our programs to access the support, connections,
and resources essential for winning at business.
Transform your side hustle or idea into a legitimate, successful business
Build a business that uplifts and strengthen your neighborhoods
Change your neighborhood with youth social entrepreneurship
The Renaissance Summit 2025
A full-day immersive event bringing together social entrepreneurs, visionaries, leaders, and creatives dedicated to reimagining and transforming NYC neighborhoods through the dynamic power of business and community.
Fuel your entrepreneurial journey
with The Journal
Get access to our FREE on-demand library of expert-curated articles,
videos, guides and much more—anytime, anywhere.
Discover guides and trade secrets for success with Pioneers of New York.
Eight of NYC’s well-known entrepreneurs told us the stories and experiences that helped shape their successful businesses. We combined our expertise with those in-depth interviews to design, The Pioneers of New York, a workbook + online course that provides entrepreneurs with a step-by-step guide on launching and growing a NYC business. Learn from those that have already done it in NYC.
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Learn business from NYC's finest
Meet the Founder
“To launch and grow a successful business find a roadmap that has worked for other people and then personalize it for yourself.”
For Organizations
Work with us to deliver customized entrepreneurship programs
for your students, clients and team.
Let us know how we can support and help you.
(E) Hello@progressplaybook.com (P) 347-464-8178